Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Even if a fake, still too good not to post...

Neil Kulkarni, in top form, on that Alex Turner Brit Awards acceptance speech and the subsequent NME ediToryal (which side of the line do you stand on etc)

(Neil Kulkarni, also on top form, praising the new solo record ((buy it here, it's great)) by Ian Crause, formerly of post-rock'n'roll outfit Disco Inferno, firmly on the "wrong" ((ie. right)) side of that line for 23 years and counting) 

Still....  Neil's "parting company" with the NME at this point seems a tad tardy... perhaps it's just a rhetorical ploy?....  i mean, everybody knows, surely, that the "New" Musical Express hasn't been a compelling read since, well, 1984 at the very latest...  in the ensuing decade, now and then it'd have something fairly interesting in it ( albeit usually by one of its older writers still hanging on in there)....  but, even by the most generous assessment, the magazine's finger's been nowhere near any sort of pulse for at least twenty years  

right now, with sales shrinking such that The Wire could take it in a year or two, it is, as Neil says, more like a specialist leisure publication,  akin to a periodical for traction engine fans or something like that....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday, February 06, 2014