"a Simon Reynolds level culture blog" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"my brain thinks bloglike"
Monday, March 09, 2009
I was kind of expecting that when we did the Waterstones panel in Manchester last month I'd get pelted with rotten veg for having recently penned this critique of (The) Factory (Box Set). But in the event I just got a polite question about it, which suggests Anthony H. Wilson isn't as uncritically revered in his hometown as you'd imagine. I should say, Tone was one of the most charming and anecdotally endowed interviewees I did for Rip It Up (summer 2002, in a bar over the road from where the Hacienda used to be, and where a block of luxury flats cheekily named the Hacienda was being built). But he has said some silly things over the years. So I felt it was time to take issue with a few of them. Also with his A&R-ing after 1982 or thereabouts...