Tuesday, October 01, 2024

laughing gas - but this is no laughing matter

Kieran Press-Reynolds with a fascinating story  for GQ about Galaxy Gas, a flavored nitrous oxide product that's all the rage and whose cute packaging recalls Alco-Pops in its kiddy appeal

Oooh and talking about giddy pop thrills - quick update, they come so thick and so fast these days, here's another KPR piece, a tribute / memorial to the "lost promise of hyperpop". For Pitchfork.

where the post title comes from, but you knew that, right?


  1. Reportedly, nitrous oxide has taken the place that sniffing glue once occupied for British teens.

  2. U2´s zoo station lyrics say they´re ready for the laughing gas

  3. Also from hairway to steven "I saw an X ray of a girl passing gas"


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