In olden times, children carried on the family business - bakers beget bakers. Even today it's still quite common that a kid will go into the same or similar profession as the parents - hence multiple generations of actors, musicians, doctors, teachers - or soldiers, builders, farmers, whatever. Still, it has taken me quite by surprise that my son has grown up to be a genre taxonomist - this is not stuff that we sat discussing around the dinner table, believe you me. He's yet to coin a genre name, but he's still only twenty and that dastardly streak of DNA - neologine - will doubtless manifest itself soon enough.
Here is Kieran Press-Reynolds's latest feature, for Pigeons & Planes / Complex - titled "Gorgeous Glitches and Nightcored Melodies: The New Generation of SoundCloud Music is Here".
Stop Press: !!!!! Kieran nominated for a Music Journalism award - his "How Tik Tok Is Taking the Tunes Out of Pop" piece makes the shortlist for "Best Work of Music Journalism (text - English)" at the Reeberbahn Festival !!!!!!