The anthology - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids - is out now and you can hear the tunes at the Numero Group bandcamp, where it is also purchasable in digital form. The vinyl edition is still available at the Numero Group website.
"a Simon Reynolds level culture blog" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"my brain thinks bloglike"
Sunday, March 27, 2022
V4 Visions
The anthology - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids - is out now and you can hear the tunes at the Numero Group bandcamp, where it is also purchasable in digital form. The vinyl edition is still available at the Numero Group website.
Monday, March 21, 2022
"and I'm screaming next to you"
You can hear / download it direct from Jim's website or stream via Apple or Spotify
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Enter Carducci
LA-people! This coming Sunday evening I'm doing an event with Joe Carducci of Rock and the Pop Narcotic / Enter Naomi renown at Stories Books & Cafe in Echo Park. We'll be chatting about "the tangled music cultures of Britain and America circa 1976-86 and the Rough Trade and SST scene" - punk, postpunk, New Wave, hardcore, DIY etc.
Admission: free
Time: 7pm
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2022
Location: the open-air patio in back of Stories Books & Cafe, 1716 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles.
Further info: (213) 413-3733 and
Carducci is also the special guest on the next Rocks Back Pages Podcast, which airs on Monday 21st of this month. More information at RBP pod central.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
put a finger on the weird
Epic essay-post about Mark E. Smith from Matthew Ingram at Woebot.
It's titled Hip Priest and is tied into Matt's ongoing research into spirituality and the counterculture, with prisms such as psychedelics, mental illness, the paranormal, and mysticism applied to the work. A mighty meaty read.
Funnily enough I was toying with writing something about The Fall, but from a completely other angle.
Saturday, March 12, 2022
RIP Timmy Thomas
Wonderful song. And with a minimalist sound that still startles with its skeletal spareness. The drum machine and organ combo almost makes it a soul Suicide.
I had "Why Can't We Live Together" on this K-Tel compilation - not in 1973, though, when I would have been nine or ten - but some years later.
Good value, this series, if you weren't fussy about hi-fi (12 tracks crammed on each side!) - and even more so when I picked them up second-hand for a quid each.
On Superbad, the track just before the Timmy Thomas is another one I loved - Cymande's "The Message". (Who I saw several years ago play in LA.)
Energy Flashbacks
For a bunch of months now, podcasters Nate Wilcox and Ryan Harkness have been doing this epic trek through Energy Flash, a chapter per week. It's the latest season of an ongoing series called Techno-Roll (the name comes from the parent podcast Let It Roll). The previous candidate for in-depth extended discussion was Last Night A DJ Saved My Life by Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton. Later on they'll be doing Kit Mackintosh's Neon Screams.
As a capper to the Energy Flash season, I had a fun chat with Nate and Ryan - about how the book came to be, my approach and slant, etc - which you can hear here and here.
Saturday, March 05, 2022
The Totality (For Kids)
Feels unseemly to direct attention to something I've written, as we all teeter on the precipice... but here goes: a while ago, I wrote a piece on Malcolm McLaren, Sex Pistols, Situationism, punk, the notion of cultural terrorism, etc etc, for the London Review of Books, at insane length. Which LRB expertly condensed to half its size and has now published. It is loosely - very loosely - tethered to Paul Gorman's equally enormous biography of McLaren.
Of course, my author's eyes see all the things missing, but no doubt, to anyone sane and impartial, it's vastly improved by being streamlined. I expect someday I'll make the full monster available.