Monday, December 18, 2023

prolific progeny

A round-up of write-ups from Kieran Press-Reynolds - who's been on a bit of a tear recently.

Sweet piece on growing up as a digital native and discovering a cache of Gchat and Buzz scribblings from when he was 11 years old (for Insider)

Fun run-down of his most enjoyable nightlife experiences of 2023.

Countdown of top tunes from the past year, starting with this entry on Bar Italia. 

And here's the whole chart rundown plus honorable mentions in one spot.

Sharp analysis of the online-discourse life and entropic death of the micro-genre sigilkore (for No Bells)

Spicy take on the Snow Strippers tape (what do you mean, you've never heard of Snow Strippers?) (for Pitchfork)

Snapshot of concert by Babyxsosa (what do you mean, you've never etc etc) (for No Bells)

Rave about Jane Remover (going back a bit, now) (for Pitchfork)

Oh and soon, very soon,  there'll be a mega-thinkpiece on internetty music-etc culture - update to come with that.