Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I thought Dot Rotten was this super-underground beat-maker in the mold of Terror Danjah....

what's he doing in the UK charts with this?

ah  - he started making his move towards the Centre a while ago i see, as one of this well-intentioned bunch

"Overload", via this entertaining rundown of the UK Top 40 by Tom Ewing...  in which he manfully tries to find things to like about the contents of the current chart...

It's been funny to watch the poptimists, as they age, gradually lose their love of and feel for pop -- pop as constituted by what actually is selling at any given moment, as opposed to an idée(ology) fixe about what its imperishable essence consists of.  But the onset of curmudgeonhood is to be welcomed if it throws up cracking tropes/thoughts like "bosh’n’bellow", "an idea supervoid", "rhythm guitar presets like wilted lettuce" and "disappointing CGI Perrygeddon chorus". Or indeed the chart-rundown title "It’s The EDM Of The World As We Know It."

Better an honest curmudgeon than a career generalist with Botox prose, say I!