Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Love this tune by Wavemaker, the duo of  Brian Hodgson (as in BBC Radiophonic Workshop, White Noise) and John Lewis. Released in 1977 on the album New Atlantis and recorded at Hodgson & Lewis's Electrophon studio, it's a synth prog workout with breakbeat-ish drummage from Tony McVey. But then this cascading, spangly-tingly melody-riff comes in (at 3.38) that's like a flash-forwards to Orbital's "Chime."

Love also the photo from the album back cover of Hodgson & Lewis topless, as featured here in the Youtube clip.


Big up to Nick Ekoplekz for putting "Echoes C" up there and turning me on to the Electrophon releases via Polydor (e.g. In A Covent Garden) in the first place.

New Atlantis, incidentally, is a concept album based around Francis Bacon's utopian novel, which is the source for the famous off-quoted "we have also sound-houses" bit that was something like Radiophonic Workshop's found-text mission statement.  Indeed "Echoes C" is part of the LP's "Echoes Suite ("We Also Have Sound Houses...")", which take up nearly all of side 2.

The "perspective houses" and "perfume houses" also sound pretty cool.