"a Simon Reynolds level culture blog" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"my brain thinks bloglike"
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Woodbines & Spiders
Talked about for ages, finally reached fruition - Woodbines & Spiders is a collaboration between Ian Hodgson (Moon Wiring Club) and Jon Brooks (The Advisory Circle).
Excellent as you'd imagine, hewing mostly to the "musty fragments" side of the H-spectrum (think Roj, Sketches and Spells Focus Group, or indeed some of MWC's danker, more disassembled swatches of atmosphere)
Collage is the M.O. - indeed the phrase "woodbines and spiders" is not unlike a terribly, even terminally, English take on Lautreamont's "as beautiful as the chance meeting on a dissecting table of a sewing machine and an umbrella" (itself appropriated by Nurse With Wound, of course).
The concept, though, seems to be real estate meets ruin porn - with W&S as estate agents specialising in houses with perturbing atmospheres and sitting tenants from other planes.