really really want to like this new one by Blackout Crew
it's a bit shit, isn't it?
nice to see them "sparing no expense" yet again with the promo but you get the sense that the video concept came before the tune in this case, which you didn't get with "put a donk on it" or even with the disappointing follow-up about mobile phones
still "wonka donka" or whatever it's called did send me off on two different trails:
1/oompa loompa-core
marshall masters "I like it loud"
scooter's version
2/ candy-rave
BBP "Candy Floss" (producer = tony, the guy behind blackout crew)
smart E's "sesame's treet"
shaft "roobarb and custard (apple crumble mix)" (okay not candy but sweet in the other, dessert sense)
world of twist "sweets" and "jelly baby"