"a Simon Reynolds level culture blog" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"my brain thinks bloglike"
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
a choir of Michael McDonald ketamine elves
one of the questions not addressed in Retromania is the possibility of music that is innovative but is also repugnant, or silly.... there might be any number of paths "forward", in fact, but if most of them are intolerable in some way or other, perhaps regular folks can be forgiven for sticking with the dependably pleasurable, the time-tested and true
that said, not sure about this Blake-Iver effort at all, in lots of ways it is astounding in a "Starsailor"-meets-Supercollider--meets-MusicFromBigPink kinda way... I suspect that it might grow on me, like moss or like the fungus a couple of trees down our street that looks like pizza made of dung and earwax...